Storm Damage Company

Our Crown Point storm restoration contractors at Eenigenburg Exteriors provide the comprehensive services you need for restored peace of mind.

Limited Time Offers

Earn Rewards with the Eenigenburg Exteriors Referral Program

Refer a friend to Eenigenburg Exteriors and get rewarded for helping improve homes in Indiana and Tennessee.

Upgrade Your Home with an Exclusive LP SmartSide 10/15/50-Year Warranty

Protect your home with Eenigenburg Exteriors’ LP Smartside 10/15/50 Year Warranty. Quality siding for Indiana and Tennessee homeowners.

Upgrade to the GAF Golden Pledge for Unmatched Roof Protection

Protect your home with Eenigenburg Exteriors' GAF Golden Pledge Warranty—Indiana and Tennessee's trusted choice for long-lasting roofing solutions.

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front view of house

Skilled Storm Restoration Company in Crown Point

Our team has made a name for itself in the community as a skilled and trusted expert. We have been in business since 2003 and have over 40 years of combined experience on our team. In addition, we’re accredited by the Better Business Bureau with an A+ rating and are recognized as GAF Master Elite Contractors, so you can trust that we have the qualifications you need for a complete repair. No matter how bad your residential storm damage may be, we’ll be able to reverse it.

Preferred Storm Restoration Contractors

We’re the preferred storm repair specialist with numerous national homeowner’s insurance companies. This significantly helps to get your repair covered.

Luxury Installations

Our Crown Point storm damage repair contractors specialize in higher-end homes and will be able to provide the top-tier workmanship you need to retain your beautiful exterior.


Our partnerships with leading lenders like Good Leap and Lend Home ensure that you can get the financial assistance you need for your repair.